Most people continue to seek greater certainty about their financial situation, and help when it comes to making the best financial decisions possible. This is why there is such a need for quality financial advice.
Our aim is to give our clients the best opportunity to achieve their financial goals and objectives. We do this by building strong long-term relationships and providing robust, tailored ongoing services.
Our service packages enable us to monitor our clients' individual strategies, make changes as required and to deal with financial complexities that arise in our clients' lives over time. These complexities may be caused by external factors such as changes in superannuation or tax law, investment markets or the economy. They may also be due to changes in personal circumstances such as family situations or health.
Our commitment is to act in the best interests of our clients and to act honestly, professionally, fairly and objectively in providing financial services. The processes that we follow, including adherence to the 'Safe Harbour Provisions' demonstrate the priority we give to your interests.
Central to the firm's operation is the use of state of the art technology and systems to provide efficiencies. Such efficiencies lead to more personalised and thorough client services. These systems are also integral to the firms disciplined investment processes. Both long-term strategic investment models and more tactical models require robust systems behind them, enabling advisers to implement changes in a timely manner.
When it comes to investment advice, the approach used by many firms is to measure a client's 'risk profile' and to then design a portfolio to suit. At O'Donnell Kerr, we believe in first identifying the client's financial objectives, particularly their long-term income needs. We then work back from this to determine an appropriate level of portfolio risk.
We believe in a measured approach to making initial investments into share, property and fixed interest markets. We use a market research overlay, on top of our funds management research, to provide guidance on market conditions. These conditions are taken into account before making any initial investments.
Our portfolio construction processes are guided and supported through subscriptions to leading research and investment houses.
We are a member of the Associated Advisory Practices group which provides support in the key areas of Compliance, Professional Standards and Professional Development.